Short Hair on Brunette’s is Sexy Hot
Posted under: Brunette,short
Gorgeous long flowing hair has always been a symbol of seduction. Many women wonder whether short hair can really be just as sexy and glamorous. The short answer is YES! There is a long list of Hollywood starlets who demonstrate that short hairstyles can be elegant, sexy and alluring. Think of Halle Berry, Natalie Imbruglia and Linda Evangelista to name a few. All three women had short dark hair at the high of their fame.
Short hair cuts can look great on most face shapes and can at times be easier to manage as there are plenty of hair products on the market to help style your hair.

Mousse up the texture in your cropped hair. Use a small amount of matte wax through your hair teasing out the ends.
Short hair styles help to open up your face and make your eyes look bigger. It is easier to make a bold statement with short hair.
Short hair can be great for those who like change as short hair styles require more maintenance so you can get a new look every couple of months.
Short hair is sophisticated and sexy and can look absolutely amazing in combination with make-up and the right accessories.

Even if you have wavy frizzier hair you can still achieve this short hairstyle with a hot plate hair straightener.
[…] School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens has stunning long brunette hair cut in layers with some caramel streaks. Vanessa Hudgens gorgeous wavy long layered […]
what can i do if im still not 18 and my mother needs to be convinced before i touch my hair. i wanna get a katie holmes kinda look, and these pics also look really great, but how can i talk my mom into this, when she spent her whole youth with waist-lenght hair, and is expecting me to do the same?
i really really love short hair, and would love to get a new hair cut now that im entering college and am having changes in my life.
any advice?
My advice would be to just wait until you are 18 and then do whatever you like to your hair. Cutting your hair is a highly personal thing and hairstyle choices should be respected by parents, although I realise that is easier said than done.
take it from a guy, short hair is hot espcially the 3rd and 5th pictures going down
hi.beforehand my hair was long but now i cut my hair.and i feel so first time i thought that this hair style will be good,but then my parents also friends tell that it isnt good.please advise me,how my short hairs will be look the way i’m blond