Cute Emo Boys That Are Too Cool 4 Skool!
Posted under: Emo,Emo Boys,mens hairstyles
The emo trend is bigger than ever, especially for the teenagers out there. The teen population is divided into those that love the emo look and everything the subculture encompasses, those who loath it and those that could not give a diddly squat about it. This post is for those of you out there who love emo hairstyles on boys or for boys out there looking to get an emo haircut, prepare to be inspired!
Emo girls go here: Cute Emo Girls
For more hot emo boy images go here: cute emo boys

Here you can see the spiking in the back of the head. The copper streaks look amazing mixed in with the black hair.
If you are looking for gorgeous pink scene queen hair check out this video: Scene Hair
[…] unisex hairstyle that can be worn by both emo boys and emo girls alike – very androgynous, although girls sometimes wear the style a bit […]
[…] one thing stands true: They have some of the coolest, edgiest hairstyles of today. Emo girls like emo boys; use emo hairstyles amongst other things to help express their individuality, creativity and […]
well I love emo boys no offence but if they went to my school i would knock people out to get to them
the piccher are soo cute i likit
these lads are goregous.
wow very cute i whant to **** he…..realy
wow.. the last guy is really really good looking! and his hair is cute =)
pretty snow-effects hehehe
hi i like the last guy he is cute like cute as in hot
I agree!
these boys are soooooo cute
I actually kinda like the first guy ^.^
The last guy is soo cute and he is hot.
i love emoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love emooooooo!!!!!
mi chiamo erika e abito a arezzo,adoro gli emo da qdn avevo 9 anni,e appena ne vedo 1 impazziscooo!
all the guys are fucking hot
ok i swear i think i know the first guy does any1 know wats his name it might ring a bell
you gays are cool and het me up?
you person how says thay are hot your right
aaaaaai !!!
um…I prefer to have the second guy and the last guy…yeah all you wanna be ho’s…sorry there mine! MWAHHHAAAAHHHAAA
omfg! my friend leah j thinks u guys r realy sexy.
all of those boys are gud lookin i would no i m emo and by the way EEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rrrrrrrrrooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxoo bye bye
[…] For more on cute emo boys hair style check out: emo boys […]
you guys are soooo HOT!!!!!!! hell yeah
The first guys name I think is Matt
Yeah well…I think Emo is described as being different and your own, but I see SOO many Boys&Girls with them hair styles and that style that it’s starting to become one of those cloning sheep thingys (Yeah I Know my Grammar Ain’t cool) Yeah who doesn’t like a bit of Rock&Indie Music, but it doesn’t mean you have to dress like your fave bands. I say Be individual and have your own style where you don’t belong in any categories of fashion statements YEAH ROCK ON !
the first one is hott!!!!!! is he single if so ill take him he is fuine if he wants an emo gf well he has found his girl and its me!!!!!!1111 tell him he can find me at Kimmy Throckmorton on myspace and for email ily
u guys r so rite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!emo guys r super hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi sexy boys my email is
YOU GUYS ARE SO HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ///.\
why do you have to be so cute??
sexy ass boys im black but these emo boys is turning me on
The first guy iz like friken HOT! he has gorgeous eyes… all the other guys are like ILL… 🙂 I LOVE HOT EMO GUYZ!!!
this perfect emo boys!
can thier be alot of new videos f hot sexy emo boys anguys that are not all the same.
i love emo boys…there are like no emo boys at my skol and its really gay!!!!! i do know one and he likes me back but i can’t date him!!!!! i need help!!!! :p
tey r fentastic tey look very cool & sexy
The First guy is the cutest!! No DOUBTS, SO SXC
they r kinda cute
well theyreeeeeeeee hot can i have one of there emials iam the kinda of emo all guys wants:P:P:D
wow those boys are so freakin hot and my bff thinks so to
omg hottys !!! but i have one of my own
anybody want one email me at and maby ill hook u up with one 😉 emo bye the way rawr
Hot emo boys! :3 their so cute ^^
I would just like to point out, that the boy with black hair and copper streaks is one of my best friends. No, i’m not bullshitting any of you, he is.
hiiiii i m aniee my boyfriends hairstyle is emo style i love my boyfriend
i think the 1 at the end is the cutest !! xxxx
OmG I lOvE tHe SeCoNd GuY hE lOoKs SoO cUte AND our bangs MATCH!!!! :))
OMG it’s Destery!!! I love him! He’s actually scene not emo but whatever..
u guys r so fuckin cute
the last picture he is soo hot
all of thosse guys are getting me horny and i’m black tall with big boobs and a big butt
i like the third one he is Hot
i like the first guy better. He is a major cutie!!
I think the last quy is H O t!!
U like best perfoms
…i like this
those guys are xooooo cute!!!
love them xooo much!!!!
the very 1st guy i LOVE! ive got him all over my pages the blond 1 on the other hand should really fXXXXX die he is so f n ugly
hay amanda ure friend is f n ugly u probly r 2 (ewwww)
u r like soo sexxy
I like the first guy. Sooo CUTE,HOT
Woww…Their Hott…But Their Not “Emo”…Their Scene And Their Fakes…Hate To ruin Your Fun Girls..Hu Needs Them Anyways.Hahah.
Hey wow I like the first one just so you know I am a black girl short like 5’2 skinny 92 lbs and has a golden brown skin complexion I have medium length straightend hair with side swept bangs and flat chested I am wearing a white sweater with a black belt on the white sweater and black hoodie and purple capris i am 14 years old and I am looking for a black emo because I want to be couples with an emo with my race. I am the only black girl in my class please help look for emo black dudes. thank you
I am known as “the black girl”
Hey I like the last one with the snow
me tooo
hey whats the difference between emo, punk and scene im confused they all seem the same
hey what’s up im cocoa im interested in emo boyzzz
nice tastey rawr
ok you guys just want attention!!!! well good I love em boys too I think there hot
omg my dream is to be in a swing with an emo guy and have the time of my life
OMFG those guys r UGLY =)
the first guy,I Love. I am emo to and trying to find an emo dude!
What the fuck “I get high,” they are so fuckin H O T HOT but not the blond one Lol
i love the 2nd one<3 id like date you <3
id like cry if u were able to get ahold of me:) i wanna kiss you and date you:)look me up sweety<33
you guys r so hottttttttttttttttttttt
txt me 15805223691
none of them are cute to me!!!! Which i am a cheerleder so i guess it is true we do fall only for jocks!!!
(so sorry guys) They are kind of scary to me!!!!!!!!
sophioe is my sis and she is crazy!!!! the one in the snow is howt!!! Loveyou!!! so is the blonde!! so cute!!!!!
I like the 2nd one >:3 now hes a sexy motha fka!! LOVE YOU CHRIS DAKOTA
People if you have nothing nice to say then don’t fking post it =x= cos no one cares what negative sht you have to say
i like the first one and the last one, they r soooo fuckin hot, but i like the 3rd onez piercingz
i like all of the above cause they are hottt,and it’s strange that at my place it’s winter and a little windy and i’m as in fire haha is this cause i love emo boysssss,,,sweety are they allhmmmm delicious , i am an emo gurl tookiss you emo boysss,,mooooauch smack,
I really like the last 2 and the 1 with blond streaks is really cute!!! I’m inlove with emo, but I wouldn’t consider myself emo… <3 Also I'm looking for somebody, I have pink hair, no seriously, I REALLY HAVE PINK HAIR!!!! lol. and I'm kinda fat, sooo, your on top!!! naw just kiddin lol…. My favriot color is….. HELL I DUNNO… rainbow i geuss…. ROFLAO hahaha if you can tell, I'm RAtarded… (I like acting like this…) sooo any way…. I'm bisexual, and love the 2 words, CHOMP nad RRRRRRAWRRRRR! Make my day, and kiss my ass…. BYE
the last guy is freakin hott but alex evans is always the hottest xD
goooooooooooood emoo
gia choda kha…………
There all really hot but last one is really fuckin hot
these guys look so gay they should fix
there look theyre all goth hoe dp u like them
they should get their fuckin act tg cuz they look like shit
hey the lasts ones name is giovanni he lives in new hampshire if anyone wants his number id gladly give it out but beware he is a jerk and hes 17
Definetly the 1st one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first one iz awesome…
I would Tap all of the Above! :DDD XD
Whats the first guys name? Some chick on fb is claiming that’s her bf. lol
The last guy is sooooooooooo HOOOOOOOOOOT
omfg i love the very first one he is soooo HOT!!!!!
lol im emo but i dont cut but emo guys r just to sexy. well so am i i just died mt hair yellowst ornganst blond hehe hotiee i got like 7 compliments
the frist one is fucking sexy emo bammm i have brite blue eyez and white skinn just long blond hair sexy!
the frist one is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo seeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
My friend know the first guy on the picture hahaaha
he is really sweet ;-p
i think the last one is the sexiest!! XP
your so right the the last one is hot
Wow , nice hair you got there…. it looks awesome!!!!
really all u girls look at is the hotness of these wow!
well im emo and so is my brother and i got on here so i can find a new hair cut for my brother but now i see even those girls who ernt emo get on here jus 2 see hot guys GET A LIFE!
XD this is just radical… I’m trying to get my hair like the 5th guy. :]
personally iz lik the 2 boyz hair because my freindz w/benifitz haz hair juz lik it ;l BLOOD
So, i wish emo boys were not gay. They are f**king sexy… P.S can i get an emo guy bang,im a tomboy.
THEY good..
Not bad..
im emo my self and im a girl and emo boys are fuking hot man
Does anyone know the first guys name?? IT’S URGENT! Help!
O, how I wish I could ask an Emo Boy to kiss me0