Cute Emo Girls With Totally Rad Hairstyles
Posted under: Emo,Emo Girls
Emo girls and Scene girls, no matter what label you give these beautiful creatures one thing stands true: They have some of the coolest, edgiest hairstyles of today. Emo girls like emo boys; use emo hairstyles amongst other things to help express their individuality, creativity and feelings.
Emo Hairstyles do take a lot of time to maintain. You will probably have to see your stylist every 2 to 3 months to get your haircut maintained, alternatively you can just let it grow out but it won’t be the same look you were going for originally considering that the side fringe pretty much needs to be about 3 to 4 inches long for the right effect.

Play around with vivid colors for your streak, after all most colors look great when contrasting with black hair

Delicate dark pink and blonde streaks underneath give the hairstyle more character and is easier to maintain as the roots will not be seen as the hair grows out.

If you are looking for gorgeous pink scene queen hair check out this video: Scene Hair
[…] girls go here: Cute Emo Girls Classic emo haircut with dyed black hair and side fringe covering an eye More eccentric emo […]
so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so cuuute
hayy i love the galss hairr thatis blue n black
im getting it done whn i leave school n other clours tap bak on wat you think
or look on my bebo
go to www, ly bbz
this is amazing!
ahhhhh volll cool ich bin auch ein emo xd hdgdl all emos love for ever
SaLuDoS a tOdoS los 3mos!!!!!!
i like your hair
hiii say hey!!! im 3mo
ahh these styles are hott..!
i love thee pink bow,,
i have a emo hair cut and emo hair color but i cant seem to get the top part of my hair right when i style it..
omfg some of these girls are so air brused >.< .. do it the real way 😛 normal .. 😛 hawt hairrrr\\
OMGEE where did you ppl get tha bows?? i love them but i cant ever find them at the store
emo…is love
slm arkadaÅŸlar ben ilkay ben bi emoyum ve rockçıyım resimler süper benim bi rock grubum var ama ismi pek yaygın deil.. grubumun adı “SON DDURAK KARA TOPRAK” ben gitarist ve baÅŸ vokal benimle birlikte ÅŸarkı söyleyn diÄŸer kiÅŸi ise ilayda batarist onur dj ise uÄŸur diÄŸer gitarist ise açelya bunu arklarınıza lütfen yayın çünkü yakıda klbimiz çıkack 🙂
I love emo …Brazil…^^
Try ebay!
these girls have the most amazing pictures.<3 beautiful.
wawww awsome hair x33 add me on myspace: emoxpower tnks
these pic.s are all so boss
emos apavoram…mesmo…os cabelos sao muito bonitinhos e charmosos ..uma graça..o site ta demais!
heyy!!! Omg!! That’s AWSOME!!! I’m really like it soooooooo cute!!! I want to that one for me but i can’t do that because i think so its expensive kinda of hairstyles for me. so, you know. lolz 🙂 peace out!
:P:P:P:P wawawa waw waw lim shosho waw
Man these hairstyles are so hot and so are the people HEHE :p Heather i dont think they would be that expensive the hair dying would be but not the cut prob, i got my hair styled at a hairdresser where i live and it only got $25 for a side fring and layers at the back man…
i wont emo hair and i need help
U GuyZ r SO fuken ugLy
can i have that girls email
heyy i luv the one with the purple and blue hilights and its black its so perty
I LOVE THE GIRL WITH BLOND HIGH LIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO COOL!!
that is fucking cool that you boys and girls do care what mom and dad said.
heyy (:
all very pretty girls.
does anyone know who the last blond is?
she looks familiar,
i luv the first one her hair is bad ass!
nice pic:P:P
i like da 1st and 2nd and 3rd …xD
hey all of these girls are f**kin hot with their hair like that cause even my hair is like that and its totally sexii well anyways gotta gooooo but anyways do your thang sexiii mamas!!!!!!:):>:>:>:>:>:>:>
ahhhhhh you guys are so pritty!!!!!!….wow the last blonde looks like my friend alex…i wonder if that is her….hummmmm….anyway im emo 2!!!!!! hehehehehehehehehe
i luv all there hair and screw what jasmin thinks.
poor nieve Jasmin… Perhaps you you havent realised it yet but these girls have rediefined the idea of beauty and are, rightfully so, confident in thier appearance. coments like yours leave others wondering just how insecure you must feel about your own appearance.
P.S just a personal opinion but, the first girl is possibly one of the prettiest girl i have ever seen.
so cool
deca583-it’s spelled “naive” you dolt. Maybe you should’ve paid attention in English instead of wishing you had hair like any one of these emo attention whores.
Perhaps you haven’t realized it yet but these girls are a dime a dozen, and are using the old “Lolita” aesthetic (which appeared in the 1970s) and then proceeded to make themselves into trashy and cheap copies. If these girls were so confident in themselves, they wouldn’t be hiding themselves under layers and layers of make-up.
Comments like mine aren’t engendered from a lack of security in my own appearance; it’s disgust for all the girls out there who aspire to be nothing more but empty shells and trophy wives. To believe that clothes make the person is ignorance.
When you wonder why your “my-hair-got-stuck-in-a-cotton candy-machine\paper-shredder” style or other shallow pursuits won’t ever bring you true happiness, try looking deeper, beyond appearances and maybe you’ll find it. I say maybe because…well read the comments. I feel like I’m talking to sheep.(wait-I think I am…O_o)
and fyi, I could walk out right now onto the street, with no make up and, not that I would give a shit, but I’d still feel just as confident as I would with it. I may not be perfect but I like my full lips and natural light brown hair (never dyed it never will) and curly messy hair and crooked smile and big eyes with rather short eyelashes and a button nose. Because you know, 20 percent of perceived beauty is actually self-confidence 😉
süper bişi ya :)))
süper emo bnde emo
i love these pics. im emo but cant pull off these styles
emos are fucking sick bastards
Really people? If you don’t like “emo” or any style related to it than why are you even on this page? And further more why did you even comment?
For the people in this world who think “emos” are stupid, ugly, whores, “fucking bastards”. etc. get a life! Its their choice to look like that. You’re not the one wearing it everyday so just chill.
Having hair like this isn’t something that is “a dime a dozen,” they’re unique to the individual and the people who get the style.
In my opinion these styles rock and are absolutely gorgegous 🙂 I find it amazing how far people go with their hair.
Btw, the bows you can buy at HotTopic and maybe Spencers….
unique??? ha.
personally, I have no beef with the style, just the people who wear it. I can’t tell you how many times a day I see 15 of these girls crowding around mirrors applying more eyeliner and talking about hair straighteners and ditching class to get drunk and gossiping about that girl who was once a friend of theirs until she got upset that she went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and for having certain drugs mixed in there (what great friends they are, they slipped drugs into their “friend’s” drink) and was upset that they left her behind.
I know this because they left her with ME. They were so busy laughing they didn’t even tell me what was going on.I had to wait 2 hours with this girl who was crying and talking no sense and having trouble breathing before I got any help from some people.Needless to say, she’s not friends with them anymore.
Absolutely scene and boring. I love how this stupid style only exists with little high school losers. So trendy… not.
LOVE the hair ! 😛 i got some pretty BEAST hair myself it’s black blue and shot 😛 you gots to see it !
I love these hairstyles. I want hairstile layed with bright red streaks in my hair. My hair is allready Brown. Do you think it would look nice on me althought u dnt know what i luk like or anything. somone give me advice. I dont know if it will look stupid on me or if i would regret it or nt. haha. Need some advice quick on a girl.
im no t emo but i love there hairstyels
im not emo either but i like the hairs tyles
lol i meant styles 😀
I was looking for a good hair cute picture to use and this website has helped a lot, i just wish I was allowed to dye my hair with green hightlights, i really wanna. But ma parents wont let me, they dont really approve of me being “emo”
i have normal looking hair due to the rents but im going to go platinum blonde and put black streaks in it i would go all black but i dont hve the money to do it on my own and my rents (money suppliers) hate anything thats not a shade of tan:(
hi,my name´s Keren
I love you
hi i like ur hair its very cool
i love emooo………………
im emo… my parents hate emos tho… my hair is black with blonde streak… i love these hair styles…thanx for the pix
i love u jeff… <3
I haaave a peacoock and i’m 12, and its the bomb! (:
this one girl on here looks exactly like my bestie aiylaa. wow shes gorgeous!!! (:
the 2nd to last one is my bestie i tryied to upload a pic of my hair but i had a blonde moment an ddidnt knoow how tear drops
I was looking for a cute hairstyle and I found it, I can’t wait to have my new emo hair. My my is soooooo awesome.
me too i cant wait either the only thing is my momma dont like it but who gives i love it!!!
omg i love this hair iam going to do my hair vere big tm i cant wait lol any one have i am going to be emo
sunt sp pozele vrei sa fim prieteniunde st nr me de tel:0768650334 id:catalin_boss200811 vreau sa ne întâlnim poate facem un cuplu
omfg i lovee thisssssss. my fave is the side swept emo fringe. so awesome i want my hair like that but the rents are always like nuu it will look totally crazy. :'(
my mom let me put purple in my hair cause i asked her for like 5 years. i wanna do platinum now and she wont let me. so im looking for and edgyier style =D this helped lots
i love the hair. i wish a had some kickass hair like that. i have short goldish blond hair. i wish i could dye it purple!
i want to dye my hair black on top and blue purple on bottom
i hav some options
i wannt blackk on topp wit purple on bottom;)
i want black and blue
or shud i bleach it..
I am so getting my hair cut today like the one with blond hylights bc it is so so cute and im getting the color like that 🙂
i have hair like the girl w/ the bow in her hair but mine is black,bloned,lime green,and neon pink its so awesome i love it
The girl with the pink bow is gorgeous.
That is vary sexy heir cut and all girl aer vary vary sexy
i really can’t wait to get my hair cut into short layers and proper emo fringe, it’ll just be the best day evarrr. XD
i want these hairstyles but im not emo can i without ppl thinkin im emo
I love ira vampira hairstyle
i love my new hair cut it it alsome it look gloth but its also looks emo i is pimp love it i knw love me i hope not bye emogirl^_^
i hope that ur hair looks good becuse i wishes are to
I wish that my mom would let me die it black with lime green and blue streakes like my besties. We have this thing at school where you can only get a hug on Friday if you have and “emo” hairstyle. I wish my mom would just let me die it! :'(
Hey i got fab styles on this i have my hair Blonde with Blue streaks and than black half it black and blonde on the top something like the frist picture my blonde is like dirty blonde wel thanx for it
u should see it is fablous everyone amires it on mee
alll my friends and i have differnt colour hair its deadly
….. P.S stay shineing xoxoxo
im a scene and i am going to style my hair like this
Yes, you can pull some of these hairstyles off without actually being “emo” (stay closer to natural colors, not overly dramatic or extreme cut and styling), but one of the reasons ’emos’ have hairstyle like this is to somehow stand out from the crowd without actually being the type to stand out (think shy person with amazingly awesome hair, attention without direct contact). However, if you want to style your hair like this than you shouldn’t be afraid of how others will percieve it. It’s what You want, and you’ll always have those that absolutely love it and those who think it’s retarded- it’s just how it goes. I love my ’emo’ hair even if it gets me labeled, it’s completely awesome 🙂 Good luck, happy new years <33
hey whats up i am a emo and i need somebody a boy to date me so if any boy want to date me call me or text me 17862234755
I love the emo hair styles they are awesome. But i’ve got EXTREAMLY curly Hair. And it’s a hastle to straighten it I hate to ruin it. But I WANT to do an emo look. : ( 😀
c zinéééb du maroc kay3jabni bzééf hade style meme si emo né paa visible dans mon payss car notre pays est pfff !
i welll make is 1 hair stai da well osomi i like it sosom ok bay beyde and boy i love you oooolllllllllllllllll
I have the 8th picture as my hairstyle, I look weird tho, have to get used to it(:
wow, these hairstyles are awesome!
i myself am EMO, but i only have plain black straight hair because my parents HATE when i dye it!
but i try to dye it anyway, i really like my own hair but i would LOVE to have these hairstyles too!
çok gzlsiniz emo griller
I really wanna learn how to make my hair look like this 🙂 i have had this kind of cut for about a year now but i dont know if i am styling it right because i love the fringe look it has and stuff but i am not a huge fan of bumping my hair…. but i really want my bangs and stuff to look like these and i jst cant
Lol I adore these hair cuts 😀 My hair is cut smilar but I cannot ever get that spikeyness
is beatufeaul primary photo
i love emo gilr
Whose picture is this in serial no.8 of this page
Kindly send me more her pic in my email id
Whose picture is this in serial no.8 of this page
Kindly send me more her pic in my email id with her full name at the earliest
Cute hair
kalispera mare sou ta eimo
love emo
I love emo girls!!
but much more i love Claudia Misiak – a scene girl *__*
i know her facebook !!!! well i think its her
Claudia Yessica Misiak
dam she so beautiful *_*
cara a dore muito lindas……….
Delicate dark pink and blonde streaks underneath give the hairstyle more character and is easier to maintain as the roots will not be seen as the hair grows out.
Nyc Hair in this picture, would u mind telling me the girls name ?
I love emo girls! 😀 They’re so hot. 😎
Ilove you sex
lol pik 2 nd 6 r so cute
The one with the dark pink and blonde streaks underneath, can you tell me her full name, so I can contact her on how to do my hair like her, but i’m going with dark red instead of pink. So please tell me her name, I LOVE HER HAIR, it’s gorgeous.
lmao! you out my picture on here :3 yay you think i’m pretty <3333
who is the girl in pic 1?
omg i swear emo girls are soooooo sexyyyy!!!.. dey are da best.. and dey rock da world<333.. adorable and so drop dead gorgeous<33333333
I love Emo Girl bec they are so cute other type of girl
Definitely gotta go with “Once the Fiddler Paid” as my favorite. Can never get sick of it, such beautiful composition culminating into a raging guitar solo. Now I have to listen to it after thinking about it!
all these girls are looking awesome . the hair style is awesome so cool this is
im soon getting my hair like this hahaha:) but emo girls are very prtty
love love love it #<3;!!!*