Emotional Hairstyle Changes
Posted under: Articles
My sister recently went through a series of dramatic hair changes. Most of her life she had long layered brunette hair with a side part. But over the course of a few months she cut it into a mid-length layered cut with a heavy fringe before just cropping it all off into a pixie cut and bleaching it blonde.
What made her chop it all off after years of having the same hairstyle, it lead me to wonder if she was dealing with some inner turmoil that made her lash out in some physical manner. After a D&M I found out that she was sick and tired of her surroundings, she was over being single, she was over her job and she thought that a new and improved hairstyle would lead her into a new and improved life. So it would seem that while some of us change careers or travel overseas, many of us re-invent ourselves by changing our hair.
Some people are emotionally attached to their hair. When this happens and they don’t want to be reminded of the past and want to feel like a new person then this is when drastic hairstyle changes happen. Some women who are getting older grow their hair to feel younger. Women who are pregnant or have just had a baby usually chop their hair off above their shoulders and women going through a break-up do all types or dramatic changes to their hairstyle.
People’s hairstyles are not only a reflection on the inner emotional state of a person and how they chose to express themselves, but it plays a big role in how people are perceived. Different hairstyles significantly overpower whatever first impressions you gain from the face alone. So next time you feel you are having a bad hair day, don’t think you are just being a drama queen as bad hair days have the power to significantly decrease self-esteem while increasing self doubt and intensifying social insecurities, fun!

Everyone has bad hair days
When it comes to hair, most of us find our perfect look the hard way (lots of different colors, burnt hair, short haircuts, crazy bangs, lots of bleach – don’t blondes have more fun?…these are the things I have gone through, it’s not just my sister, must be in the genes). Once you find that perfect style for your hair it can be worth its weight in gold, make sure you always take a hairstyle picture with you to the beauty parlour.
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