Latest Hairstyles from the Costume and Avant Garde Hair Hair section
Crazy, Eccentric, Costume Hair Styles
A fun post now all about eccentrically crazy hair. These crazy hair styles will certainly turn heads at your next costume party or be even more daring and try them on a night out in the town…I wonder if people will look at you?
If you are having a bad hair day, have a look at some of these hairstyles, they may just make you laugh.

Add some lovely pink make-up around your eyes and forehead for this somewhat disjointed Victorian era look
You could be a bit of an avant garde princess
An old skool punk girl

Add pink color to the tips of your hair and braid the sides to achieve this punk look without touching the razors.

A plaited bee hive with some long black fingernails for a hairstyle that has a touch of evil to it muahahahaha